Balance Shift

Balance Shift*

This is Balance's 10 week Group Transformation Program. It focuses on bringing holistic balance to the individual members, while providing group support and comradery. The main concept is building new and healthy habits that last a lifetime as opposed to participating in a crash diet and exercise course. New Habits yield lasting results slowly over time, while crash diets and extreme exercise programs yield quick non-lasting results. You can still enjoy life and not deprive yourself. You will earn self control so that you can enjoy parties, the holidays, girl's night out etc. The Challenge includes private group classes and meetings, a private Facebook group...and the best part is it includes the making of a new you!!!


$350 - Returning participants receive a 10% discount


4 monthly payments of $100


Before and After Sue S.

Before and After Deb L.

Before and After Gail S.